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Dental Implants — Framingham, MA

Secure and Healthy Tooth Replacement

Man with dental implant sin Framingham smiles into a mirror Teeth may be small, but missing even one can take a huge bite out of your quality of life. While there are many options for tooth replacement nowadays, one clearly stands above the rest: dental implants. This unique restoration is the only option that rebuilds missing teeth both above and below the gumline for secure and healthy tooth replacement. We’re proud to offer start-to-finish dental implant treatment right here in our Framingham office, including advanced procedures to help you become a good candidate for this life-changing service. Read on to learn more about dental implants and give us a call today to schedule your consultation!

Why Choose Framingham Premier Dental For Dental Implants?

  • Advanced Preliminary Procedures Available
  • Partnered with Local Periodontist for In-Office Dental Implant placement
  • Reasonable Fees with No Hidden Surprises

What Are Dental Implants?

Diagram of dental implants in Framingham A dental implant mimics the entire structure of a missing tooth with three parts: an implant post, an abutment, and a final restoration. The implant post is inserted directly into your jawbone like the roots of a natural tooth, providing a reliably sturdy foundation for your new tooth. On top of the post is the abutment, which is a small connector piece that secures the final restoration on top. This could be a crown, bridge, or denture depending on the extent of your tooth loss. In the end, replacing your missing teeth from the roots up ensures that your newly rebuilt smile looks, feels, and acts completely natural.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

dentist holding a model of how dental implants work in Framingham

In most cases, dental implant treatment can be divided into four distinct phases. When you first meet with Dr. Marianna Gaitsgory, she’ll walk you through what you can expect. Although the dental implant process can span several months, this treatment’s high long-term success rate makes the wait worth it in the end! Plus, we have partnered with a local periodontist who conveniently handles the surgical portions of your procedure right here in our office.

Our team will be happy to explain the dental implant process to you during your appointment, but until then, we encourage you to read this basic outline of how dental implants work in Framingham.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

implant dentist in Framingham showing a dental implant to a patient

First things first, we need to find out whether you’re a good candidate for dental implants. At your initial consultation, Dr. Gaitsgory will closely examine your teeth and gums to ensure there are no signs of gum disease, tooth decay, or other oral health concerns that must be addressed before dental implants can be placed. She’ll also capture X-rays of your jaw to determine whether you have sufficient bone density to support the implants. If not, then you may require bone grafting before moving forward with the treatment. Once your mouth and jaw are deemed healthy enough, then we can schedule your dental implant surgery.

Dental Implant Surgery

dentist examining a patient’s X-rays

At Framingham Premier Dental, our patients can conveniently have every step of the dental implant treatment completed in one location. Dr. Gaitsgory has partnered with Dr. Jean-Marie Biebuyk, a skilled periodontist in the area who has surgically placed more than 1,000 dental implants over the course of his career. You can trust that under his skilled care, your new smile will be in good hands!

The dental implant surgery is fairly straightforward, as far as oral surgeries go. Dr. Biebuyk will numb your mouth and create tiny incisions in your gum tissue to access your jawbone. Then, he’ll place the implants at strategic, pre-planned locations and angles. Lastly, he stitches your gums closed and places healing caps to protect your dental implants in Framingham as they heal.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

dental implant with abutment and crown being placed into the jaw

Your jawbone will need time to merge with the implant posts, which generally takes between three and six months. This process, known as osseointegration, is essential because it enables your implants to support your new pearly whites for years to come.

After the implants have finished fusing to your jawbone, we’ll install abutments on top of your implants. These small metal connectors allow us to secure your personalized crown, bridge, or denture into place.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restoration(s)

dental patient admiring her new smile in a mirror

In the final stage, you’ll come back to our dental office to have your custom-made restoration attached to your abutments by your implant dentist in Framingham. When we’re completely done with your dental implant restoration, you can look forward to a smile that looks and feels natural. Finally, you can flash your grin with confidence and enjoy all of your favorite foods once more!

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

woman with toothache at the dentist Dental implants have an incredible success rate of over 95%! Dental implant failure may be rare, but it is still possible. If you notice that your dental implant is loose or uncomfortable, or you have other concerns about it, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. The sooner we are able to examine and address the intro, the more likely that we can save it with dental implant salvage treatment!

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Benefits of Dental Implants

woman with dental implants in Framingham grinning from ear to ear

As lifelike as modern dentures and dental bridges appear, these prosthetics don’t hold a candle to the countless benefits of dental implants in Framingham. Not only do dental implants perfectly mimic the appearance of your real teeth, but they feel just as natural too. If you take good care of them, they can even last for the rest of your life! We’ll go over the ways that dental implants can change your life in detail at your consultation, but for now, here are just a few of the unique benefits that they provide:

Day-to-Day Benefits

woman biting into a red apple

  • Chewing strength – Because dental implants are fused to your jawbone, they deliver a stronger biting power than any other tooth replacement. With them, you can eat practically anything you want, making it easier than ever to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Confidence – The crown, bridge, or denture that we attach to your implants is tailor-made to resemble the pearly whites Mother Nature gave you. Since your new teeth are embedded in your jaw, you can trust that they’ll stay in place, letting you smile and speak without worrying about them slipping or falling out.
  • Easy daily maintenance – With dentures and bridges, you have to frequently purchase specialized cleaning products and/or adhesives. However, taking care of dental implants in Framingham is often as simple as brushing and flossing every day – just like with natural teeth!

Health Benefits

couple wearing exercise clothing and stretching outside

  • Stronger jawbone – Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that stimulates your jawbone to keep it strong and healthy. They prevent and even reverse the jawbone shrinkage that occurs after tooth loss, which helps you retain a youthful glow.
  • Prevention of dental drift – Teeth naturally like to touch, so if one goes missing, the two on either side of it will begin to drift toward each other. This can make chewing uncomfortable, cause orthodontic problems, and make it difficult to replace your tooth later on. Putting a dental implant in the space will keep your remaining teeth in their places.
  • Preservation of your remaining teeth – A traditional dental bridge requires two of your natural teeth to be filed down for support. These teeth are then more vulnerable to sensitivity, decay, and fracture over time. Dental implants, on the other hand, can support themselves without the need to modify your existing teeth.

Long-Term Benefits

couple cooking in their kitchen

  • High success rate – After your implant dentist in Framingham installs your final restoration, you can expect your new teeth to last for decades to come. In fact, dental implants are successful in more than 95% of cases.
  • Long-term savings – While they cost more at first than bridges and dentures, dental implants are actually more cost-effective in the long run. Because they can last for a lifetime, they shouldn’t have to be replaced every five to ten years like traditional solutions do. Plus, you won’t have to invest in additional maintenance products.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

young man admiring his new dental implants in FraminghamNot only are dental implants considered the gold standard of tooth replacement, but almost any adult suffering from tooth loss can benefits from them! Whether you’re missing one tooth, several teeth, or an entire arch of pearly whites, dental implants can restore your complete, confident smile. However, not every patient is a good candidate initially. During your consultation, Dr. Gaitsgory will make sure that dental implants are a good choice for you and work with you to plan any preliminary or advanced procedures if necessary.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

young woman admiring her new dental implants in Framingham Typically, you will need three things to be considered a good candidate for dental implants:

  • Great oral health: Issues like cavities or gum disease can cause dental implants to fail, so these problems will need to be addressed first.
  • Good overall health: Placing dental implants is a surgical procedure, so you need to be well enough to undergo minor surgery.
  • Jawbone health: If your jawbone is too thin to support dental implants, we may recommend getting a bone graft, sinus lift, or another advanced procedure beforehand.

Even if you don’t have all of these prerequisites yet, feel free to come visit us for a dental implant consultation. We will create a plan with you to help you get ready for your brand-new smile! Once you’ve been given the green light to go ahead with your dental implant treatment, we’ll help you determine what type of dental implant restoration you’ll need. This will depend on the number of teeth you’re missing.

Missing 1 Tooth

If you’re missing a single tooth, Dr. Gaitsgory can replace it with an implant-supported crown. This custom-made restoration is mounted on top of your dental implant to seamlessly complete your smile’s appearance and function. This replacement prevents drifting of your existing teeth and gives you the most stable single-tooth replacement available.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Are you missing multiple teeth consecutively? We can use an implant-retained dental bridge to literally bridge the gap in your smile. With dental implants on either side of your missing teeth, this personalized prosthetic will be anchored in your jawbone for maximum comfort and function.

Missing All Teeth

If you’re missing all or most of your teeth, we can combine dentures with dental implants to give you implant dentures. This option allows us to replace your entire smile while giving you the stability and health benefits of dental implants. After implants are strategically placed in your jawbone, we’ll attach your custom-made denture for a sturdy and beautiful set of teeth.

Learn More About Implant Dentures

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

piggy bank atop model teeth for cost of dental implants in Framingham The cost of your dental implants can vary greatly based on numerous variables. The number of teeth that you’re missing, where you’re missing them, and the condition of your oral health are all factors that influence the cost of your treatment. Before beginning your dental implant process, any preexisting issues will need to be treated. You will also have to account for your restoration (crown, bridge, or denture), which is an additional cost to dental implants themselves. Dr. Gaitsgory will give your mouth a thorough examination before developing a personalized treatment plan that will include a precise estimated cost.

Types of Dental Implants

diagram of how dental implants work in Framingham One of the biggest determining factors of the cost of your implant procedure will be the type of treatment you undergo. For example, it stands to reason that a single tooth replacement costs less than an implant-supported bridge or a full denture. The material used to make your restoration will also contribute to the total cost. Additionally, there are different types of dental implants and implant placement techniques. When you visit our team for your consultation, we’ll clearly outline your treatment options and help you to understand the cost of each one.

The Stages of Dental Implant Treatment

Dentist and patient discussing cost of dental implants in Framingham The dental implant process takes place across several stages:

  • Preliminary work, such as extractions, gum disease treatment, and bone grafts
  • The implant placement surgery
  • Placement of the abutments (which attach the implants to the artificial teeth they support)
  • Design and placement of the final restoration (a crown, bridge, or denture)

Not every patient has to go through all of the above-listed stages. For example, not everyone needs preliminary work before they can receive implants. Also, keep in mind that you’ll only have to pay for each stage of your treatment as it takes place. Therefore, you’ll have time between procedures to plan your budget for the next portion of your tooth replacement journey.

Are Dental Implants Worth the Investment?

confident, smiling man with dental implants in Framingham The vast majority of patients who invest in dental implants have no regrets about their decision. Dental implants offer a strong bite, unrivaled stability, numerous health benefits, and outstanding aesthetics. Moreover, they have the potential to last a lifetime, whereas other tooth replacement options, such as traditional dentures, have to be replaced every few years. Therefore, dental implants may present a better long-term monetary value than alternative treatments.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

dental insurance paperwork for cost of dental implants in Framingham More and more dental insurance companies are changing their terms to provide coverage for dental implants. If your plan does not cover the implants themselves, it may cover other portions of your procedure, such as your restoration or your preliminary work. It’s also worth checking with your medical insurance provider to see if they will cover a portion of your dental implant treatment.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

Patient and dental staff discuss cost of dental implants in Framingham Our team will be happy to help you figure out how to use your insurance to your greatest advantage when you’re planning your budget for dental implants. We’ll also help you explore other resources that could enable you to afford your new smile, such as:

  • Low-interest financing through CareCredit
  • A discount through our in-house dental plan
  • Your healthcare savings account (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA)

You might be surprised by how easy it is to fit dental implants into your budget! Contact our office today to learn more about dental implants and why they may be the smartest investment you could make for your oral health.

Dental Implant FAQs

diagram of dental implants in Framingham If you’re considering dental implants, you may have additional questions about this replacement or its process. At Framingham Premier Dental, we want our patients to have all the information that they need, giving them confidence in a quality treatment. That’s why we’ve included the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about dental implants in Framingham.

Are Dental Implants Worth the Investment?

Typically, dental implants have a higher price tag than other options, so many patients wonder if they’re worth the investment. Dental implants offer health, aesthetic, and functional benefits that you can’t get with other options. In fact, dental implants could end up saving you money down the road by preserving your jawbone and natural dental structure. They are also the only tooth replacement that can last a lifetime with proper care.

Does It Hurt to Get Dental Implants

Many patients hear about the dental implant process and automatically think that it’s going to hurt. In reality, those who have undergone surgery say that the discomfort equates to a simple tooth extraction. Our team will ensure that you’re relaxed and numb before the procedure. Plus, we even offer sedation options for a deeper sense of calmness. Drilling into your bone may sound painful, but your jawbone doesn’t contain pain-sensing nerves, making the process much more comfortable than it seems. Patients will typically report the most discomfort after surgery, where they may experience soreness during the healing process.

How Long Does the Dental Implant Process Take?

The dental implant process will start off with a consultation, where we will check your oral health and develop a treatment plan. Then, the surgery itself can be completed in as little as one appointment. However, it can take 3 to 6 months for your dental implants to fully integrate into your jawbone. After, you’ll come back into our office, where we will place your custom-made restoration for a beautiful, functional, and complete smile.

How Many Dental Implants Do I Need?

It’s difficult to estimate the number of dental implants that you need without examining your mouth first. This number will directly depend on how many teeth you’re missing, however, some teeth may even need multiple implants—it all depends on your specific smile. For example, if you’re missing all or most of your teeth, we will typically need an average of 4 dental implants to properly support a denture. Our expert dentist in Framingham will carefully check your smile to determine the right number of implants for your smile.

Post-Op Instructions for Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist and patient discuss dental implants in Framingham


  • You may experience some discomfort and bleeding the day of the surgery.
  • Take all medication that was prescribed for you according to instructions.
  • Apply a cold compress to your face over the surgical site on the day of surgery for 10 minutes on and 5 minutes off.
  • Keep your next appointment for removal of sutures and follow up checks.
  • DO NOT raise your lips with your fingers to inspect the treated area.
  • DO NOT brush your teeth near the surgical site. Brush your teeth in the rest of your mouth.
  • There is often a temporary loss of feeling in the operated area and the tooth may feel loose.
  • Do not smoke, spit, or use a straw on the day of the surgery (avoid smoking for a few days after the surgery).
  • Should any difficulties occur, do not hesitate to call our office any time. In case of serious emergencies, call 911.

Maintaining & Caring For Your Dental Implants

Woman with dental implants in Framingham smiling at her dentist

One of the major benefits of dental implants is their substantial longevity. This is in large part due to the integration of titanium and bone tissue that occurs between the post and the jaw. With that said, you’ll still need to protect your dental implant just as much as you would your natural teeth to protect its lifespan. Below, you can read about the most important tips to keep in mind as recommended by our office. We encourage you to give them a read, whether you’re about to have implants placed or already received your restoration.

Always Practice Daily Oral Hygiene

Woman flossing as part of her dental implant care in Framingham

Just because dental implant restorations cannot developed decay does not mean you can forgo brushing them twice a day and flossing them daily just like natural teeth. This is because the gum tissue surrounding the implant needs regular attention to stay healthy as well as keep the implant post in place. Infections of the gum tissue can easily increase the risk of implant failure, so it’s imperative that you keep a strict oral hygiene routine.

Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet

Man with dental implants in Framingham eating a balanced meal

The foods you eat can also have a major impact on the long-term health and success of your dental implants. If you’re eating large amounts of sugar every day and not enough fruits and vegetables, plaque and tartar development goes up significantly. Try to avoid overconsumption of foods that contain high amounts of sugar and starch as this kickstarts plaque production for oral bacteria. Keep a balanced diet that includes foods conducive to oral health, including fruits and vegetables which naturally scrub teeth and contain vitamins and minerals beneficial to your smile.

Break Bad Habits Before They Harm Teeth

Woman chewing on a pen and reading

Dental implants are not indestructible, which means they can be damaged if used improperly. Their goal is to mimic natural teeth as possible, not break down materials that your original teeth cannot. For example, if you have a nail biting habit or you use your teeth to perform tasks better suited for a pair of scissors or knife, stop immediately to protect your dental implant. Using your teeth as a tool can easily break the restoration (or even worse, damage the implant post inside your jaw).

Give Your Dental Implants Proper Protection

Woman holding a custom mouthguard

Are you someone who plays a lot of active sports with a high risk for sudden impact? You’re putting your smile at risk if you don’t use the right protective equipment when you play. For example, a custom mouthguard can give your natural teeth and dental implants the protection they need to remain in place ahead of the worst-case scenario. If you play or participate in football, basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey, wrestling, karate, or a similar activity, consider a professionally-made oral appliance from our office.

Schedule Regular, Biannual Dental Checkups

Woman completing dental checkup with an implant dentist in Framingham

A routine checkup every six months gives us a chance to confirm your day-to-day habits are protecting your dental implants properly and not putting them in harm’s way. They also give our dentists an opportunity to see how they are functioning, especially in the long-term.